Faces 1

five Day zoom CLASS

This is a five day class. The goal of this class is for students to learn to draw faces in a frontal view.  During this class we will take one day to draw each of the face features; a mouth, an eye, and a nose. We will then draw an entire face. It will take two days to draw the face because the first day we will go over how to set up the angles of the edges of the face and the placement of the features, the second day we will work on the values of the face.    

We start each morning with Hollis doing a drawing demonstration. The first morning she will draw a mouth, second morning an eye, third morning a nose, fourth morning she will show how to set up a face, and the fifth morning she will show how to do the shading on a face. During this time students watch and ask questions. In the afternoons students draw each of the features Hollis has drawn in the mornings.     

Even though this is a Zoom class, my classes are small with only 15 students and my approach is very "hands on" with clear instructions. My goal is to create a place of trust and community without intimidation. I do not give a lot of handouts. Instead, I encourage you to take your own notes because half of the class is about observation; you watch me draw and ask questions if need be. This is a challenging class but this method of learning to draw really works!

Dates: The class will take place January 06-10, 2025. In addition to the class, we will have two pre-class Zoom meetings four and two weeks before the class starts. The first meeting we will talk about the supplies, technical equipment, and introduce ourselves. The second meeting will be about the technology to make sure that everyone is comfortable and prepared. The night before the class we will have a short last meeting. The reason we have these meetings before the class is because when class starts, my focus can then be on drawing and not on technology or supplies.                

Times: Class starts at 10:30 AM Eastern Time and ends at approximately 6:00 PM Eastern Time. I start by doing a demonstration of how to draw the feature that we will be working on. During this time you will be taking notes and will be able to ask questions. I do not rush through anything so you have plenty of time to really understand.  After I do the demo, you will be drawing the features (mouth, nose, eye). 

Cost: $500


The morning of my first day of Faces 1, I woke up truly believing that I would be the only one in class who wouldn’t be able to draw a portrait by week’s end. Hollis taught us step by step how to draw each feature. Day 1 we learned to draw mouths. The next day we learned to draw eyes. We learned to draw noses on day 3. On day 4 we were taught how to layout the features and by day 5 we all had recognizable portraits completed. I went from thinking I couldn’t do it to thinking that anyone could learn to draw if they took a class with Hollis. You never know what you can do until you try.  S., Virginia

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students’ work