Classes and Lectures:

I started teaching drawing and color in 1990. Since then I have taught and lectured in 37 different states at art centers, museums, universities, quilt shows, conferences, retreats, and guilds. A few of these venues are International Quilt Festival, National Quilt Museum, AQS, Empty Spools at Asilomar, PRO Chemical & Dye, Hudson River Valley Art Workshops, Madeline Island School of Art, Road to CA, Quilt Surface Design Symposium, Duke University, and UNC.

I have also taught internationally in Spain, New Zealand, Australia, Africa (Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin), and Canada.

I now offers a variety of workshops, seminars and lectures. Workshops go from 1 day to 5 days, seminars are 3 hours, and lectures are 1 hour long.

Class TopICS:

   Dye-Paint Your Images/Bring Them To                     Life with Quilting

One Day Dye-Painting in Durham, NC

Studio Secrets:  Hollis reveals her creative Process

Independent Study

Ten-Year Masters Art Series  

Lecture Topics:

An Artist Journey

West African Textiles

The Relationship Between Drawing and Quilting