Dye-Paint Your Images / Bring Them to Life With Quilting - Zoom class

five Day ZOOM Workshop


In this workshop, you will first learn how to paint images with fiber reactive Procion dyes on cotton. Learning to control the dyes will be emphasized. Among other things, we will cover blending, layering, special effects and painting without bleeding. All of these techniques can be used to create images as complex as portraits or as simple as a line on a scarf. Each student is asked to have two or three 18"x 20" designs or drawings that they will transfer onto cloth and then paint. These drawings can be fruits or rounded objects, still life, animals,  faces, or anything you would like to paint. Any image can be used as long as it has been made into an 18" X 20" black and white line drawing. It would also help to have a photograph or an example/idea of your color choices. 

In the second part of the workshop, we will explore new ideas about how to use quilting to enhance the look of your painted cloth. The main objective is to use quilting lines to create depth, texture, tension, or shadowing which will give a new dimension to your quilt. Lines can be inspired by an endless variety of things (nature, architecture, technology, etc.) to add visual interest and reinforce your overall design. Even straight lines can become a design in themselves. You will be working with the images you have painted during the first part of the workshop. This workshop is based on free-motion machine quilting but the design techniques can be adapted to hand quilting. Experience in one or the other is required.

Since this class is held on Zoom, you will be able to paint in the comfort of your own studio. We will have three pre-class meetings so you have the right supplies, are sure to know how to use the technology, and a final check the night before to make sure everyone is ready.

I have figured out a way to be able to watch you paint (through a webcam set up looking over your shoulder) just as if I would be walking around the classroom. 

I recommend that you order my dye-painting kit for your dye-painting supplies. My kit has everything you need to learn to dye-paint. If you do not want to order the dye-painting kit, you must have all of the supplies below that are written in bold. The supplies that are in bold are in the kit. If you get my kit, you do not need the supplies in bold.


Supply List:

•          white synthetic round brushes used normally for acrylic / watercolor painting - U.S. sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

•          a six-well non-metallic palette - each well must be large enough to hold 1/3 cup of liquid

•          a minimum of six colors of Procion MX dyes ordered from https://prochemicalanddye.net/ or https://www.dharmatrading.com/dyes/

•          Synthrapol SH ordered from https://prochemicalanddye.net/ or https://www.dharmatrading.com/dyes/

•          Soda ash ordered from https://prochemicalanddye.net/ or https://www.dharmatrading.com/dyes/

•          Print Paste Mix SH ordered from https://prochemicalanddye.net/

•          1 yard of Mercerized Prepared for Dyeing (PFD) Print Fabric

•          one light colored Prismacolor pencil (ex: light grey, light blue, peach)

•          N95 or KN95 Dust Mask

•          Three or four 18" x 20" line drawings or designs

•          a #1 size round brush if you like to do intricate work (optional)

•          6 to 8 large white plastic trash bags to put over and under your dyed pieces (you do not want scented, stretchy or textured trash bags!)

•          Sharpie black magic marker (fine one)

•          kitchen rubber gloves (not hair-dyeing gloves or surgical gloves)

•          6 plastic teaspoons

•          extra sheets of drawing paper

•          scotch tape or blue painters tape

•          1-2 large zip lock bag (1-2 gallon)

•          paper towels

•          notebook and pencil for note taking

•          sewing machine in good working order that you know how to operate.

•          assorted feet for machine quilting (ex: my preferred foot is a Bernina#24 foot)

•          a set of 12  Prismacolor pencils. Any type of Prismacolor pencils except Verithin or Water Color

•          extra fabric to back your bats,

•          batting to bat your paintings

•          an assortment of threads

•          18"x 20" pieces of tracing paper that you can see through easily, not yellow

•          a webcam or another way for me to be able to see over your shoulder as you work (we will be going over this in the pre-class meetings)

•          a flexible gooseneck arm to hold the webcam (we will be going over this in the pre-class meetings)

•          a computer for Zoom (we will be going over this in the pre-class meetings)

•          a cell phone (we will be going over this in the pre-class meeting)

When the class is held in person, there is a $50. class kit fee that covers the dyes, Synthrapol, Print Paste Mix, soda ash, palette, and dipped fabric. Since this is a Zoom class, my dye-painting kit replaces what I would bring to class. The difference between what I would supply for the class fee and my dye-panting kit it that my kit has the brushes you need, enough of the chemicals to do more dyeing after the class, and you have the DVD (we offer the kit without the DVD also). It is actually cheaper to buy my kit.

The kit contains:

•          DVD - "Dye-Painting with Hollis"

•          1 yard PFD mercerized cotton fabric

•          6 Procion Dyes (Turquoise, green, red, yellow, blue, purple)

•          Print Paste Mix

•          Synthrapol

•          Soda Ash

•          6 well palette

•          Dust Mask

•          Set of 6 paint brushes (sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12)

•          1 Prismacolor pencil 

Cost of my kit with DVD: $125.00

Cost without the DVD: $110.00